Workers fear for jobs as Opal Australian mill produces last ream of white paper for foreseeable future
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Workers fear for jobs as Opal Australian mill produces last ream of white paper for foreseeable future

Jun 14, 2023

White paper is no longer being made in Australia after the nation's last ream came off the line at the weekend, with the potential to send paper prices skyrocketing.

Opal Australian Paper's Maryvale mill has suspended white paper production indefinitely due to a lack of timber supply, with VicForests' operations halted across the state.

The mill, near Traralgon in eastern Victoria, was the nation's last producer of white paper, which has a variety of uses, including office supplies, exercise books, printed bills, envelopes and custom posters.

Line operator Trevor Patton was working at the mill on Saturday morning when the final ream for the foreseeable came off the lines.

"It was very surreal — for us guys that have been there for anywhere between 10 to 20 years, it was a bit strange to see that last ream," he said.

"We took a photo and we were smiling in the photo … but that wasn't the way we were feeling at the time.

"It was a very sad moment."

Opal has not said it will permanently stop manufacturing white paper at the plant but that it was "seriously considering" the future closure of its white paper operations.

The mill previously produced up to 200,000 tonnes of white paper per year, with 300 reams of paper created a minute.

Mr Patton, who has worked at the mill for 16 years, said he was uncertain about the future.

"I'm supposed to go back [to work] next Saturday, but at this stage it doesn't look like they're going to have anything for us to do," he said.

"We'll be temporarily stood down until they can work out what they're going to do with us all."

The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union organiser at the mill, Anthony Pavey, said 50 workers had already been stood down, and he expected another 70 workers to be stood down by this weekend.

The mill is the biggest private employer in the Latrobe Valley, a region that has already dealt with significant job losses from the closure of various coal mines in the region.

Mr Pavey said there was some hope an alternative supply of timber could be found in the long-term, with discussions with the state and federal government increasing this week.

He said there was no alternative to white paper, which is commonly used for school books, office paper and prescriptions.

In a statement, Opal Australia said workers who are stood down will receive full pay until the middle of February, following an agreement with the Victorian government.

Supply chain disruptions wreak havoc on imports, while Aussie-made products are secure on the shelves.

Mr Patton said he was frustrated with the lack of direction from Opal.

"Probably the hardest thing for most guys is the uncertainty," he said.

"Not knowing what the future holds and when, where and how they're going to be sorting us all out.

"I feel our direct management above us are in the shadows as well, because they seem to be bewildered by it as well."

Opal told the ABC they are working "diligently with a view to providing clarity for our team members as soon as practicable".

The end of white paper production in Australia is also sending prices for paper skyrocketing.

Ben Kearney, the CEO of the Australian Lottery and Newsagents Association said it was worrying timing, with returning to school costs adding more stress to families struggling with the cost of living.

"Copy paper will be at least 50 per cent more expensive in the short term, and broader than that, we're concerned that supply is going to be very, very tricky, to even get copy paper in the medium term," he said.

Mr Kearney asked for the federal government to ease import duties to help keep prices down and maintain supply.

Adam Joy is the CEO of Office Brands, which represents office product companies.

He said 98 per cent of paper bought by members was from the Maryvale mill, and businesses were now placing overseas orders and "just hoping that it arrives in time".

He said there could be a shortage of white paper if there were any delays in overseas supply chains.

"Unless there is support to reopen the mill then we definitely need tariffs on paper removed," he said

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