Watch Bloomberg Markets: The Close (09/09/2022)
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Watch Bloomberg Markets: The Close (09/09/2022)

May 30, 2023

Caroline Hyde, Romaine Bostick & Taylor Riggs bring you the latest news and analysis leading up to the final minutes and seconds before the closing bell on Wall Street and tackles the speech of King Charles III, quantitative tightening and tech M&A Guests Today: Lord Karan Bilimoria, Simon Morgan of Trojan Consulting, Lord Provost David Cameron, Jim Keenan of BlackRock, Collin Martin of Charles Schwab, Diane Swonk of KPMG, John Stoltzfuz of Oppenheimer, Carter Malloy of Acetrader, Shawn Synder of Citi Personal Wealth Management, Nancy Davis of Quadratic Capital Management, Ted Smith of Union Square Advisors (Source: Bloomberg)